Month: June 2015

No Treatment Available: A Birthday Message

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There were several things I probably should’ve been doing yesterday… things way more important than sleeping late, driving for hours and dancing in the street after 1 in the morning (you had to be there). But what was most important to me as my birthday marked a new year was CELEBRATING LIFE. Even as I’ve been covered in God’s amazing favor, I’ve still had many reasons this past year to hide under my covers, cry my eyes out or simply give up trying. And my recent trip to the ER left me questioning everything and everybody. But yesterday… it was truly a gift.I am blessed to have people who wanted to celebrate with me. Some wouldn’t take no for an answer! One braved traffic with me in and out of the city just to go where I wanted. Two drove over an hour just to be with me as I supported a friend’s event. One changed their plans EVERY TIME our plans changed again. Another kept the party going almost instinctively in the very moments my energy was fading. And at the end of the day, after a bunch of photos, a free birthday drink, winning a few raffles, having breakfast at midnight, and hugs from old friends at my NEW favorite eatery, dancing in the street after 1 in the morning was THE MOST appropriate thing to do.

When the doctor uses words like “No treatment available”, you pay close attention. No longer can I afford to let outside forces disrupt my peace. Stress in any way, shape or form is not allowed. So, I was careful to thank everyone who celebrated my life yesterday. I laughed more in one day than I’m sure I have this entire month. And I am blessed to enter the second half of this year with a new perspective, new vision and a new appreciation for love and all its glory. Because I have found that LOVE, after all, is the BEST and the most effective “treatment” that one could ever hope to receive… -A.S.β™‘