Month: July 2015

Listen for Your Name…..

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So, I’m leaving the doctor’s office and stepping off of the elevator when I spot a man holding a crying child. The man kept looking frantically back and forth between the signs in the lobby and the security guard who was focused on her phone. He caught my eye in a look so desperate that I couldn’t help but to ask, “Do you need help with something?” I could see the relief sweep over him. “Yes, please… Dr. (so and so’s) office???” Now, I know I’m in here quite often, but I surely don’t know the lay of the land like that. However, I knew there was a list of all the doctors and their offices posted in the elevator. His son cried even louder. Then I walked him to the elevator, held the door open, found doctor so and so on the list, and pushed the floor for him. His thank you was worth every extra minute spent doing someone else’s job. I believe we have to get to the point where we ask ourselves, “WHAT could POSSIBLY be more important than THIS?”, more often as it relates to being available and willing to serve God’s people. Just like last weekend when I pulled up on the car accident, today I was again “positioned to assist”. And I thank God for making me sensitive enough to hear and respond every time. -A. S. β™‘